Ok. Summer Time!

Hot ladies.

Lots of them.

And they are Fun!

They like the Heat

They like the Breeze
Sometimes it’s time to relax

Other times, you just gotta Melt.
Now, you got the place?
You got it all ready?
Now comes the time.
The Good Time.
So ready your mind switch to On
Let your Body revert to Go
That is our true selves.
Quick Bright Flash of the Gods.
Be true to the Action
Believe in the Right
And Slide, little dancers,
Slide Good all the Night.
“Pray to what gods you might hold dear
That when the time is that They come
You’ll not have to feel the sickening stretch
Of your little mind trying to understand
That which cannot be known”
I sort of realized that the bum looking dude
Who I thought was sleeping
Was mumbling to me, eyes wide and crazy
I guess even he couldn’t sleep with
The stink coming off of him
“Yeah, that bad, eh?”
I decided to play along. I was bored.
He seemed to adjust something, strange
Under his worn coat
Then he sort of zoned out, and half closed his eyes.
“Hey man,…you gots any smokes…?”
I can still smell his bits of brains.
Time for some Ink.
Bright was the dawn when I woke for the real day
Sandy and sharp dreams still waved to me in the mirror
The ordinary was enjoyed
Knowing what came next
Off to the roads, which in the starting daylight always hold
New times just down the broken line