This is an email I received:
First of all, I just love how an assumed grown man has to air his dirty laundry on FB and his blog to get fake sympathy to make himself feel better.
If these people only knew the ASShole you really were, you certainly have been doing a good job at fooling everyone lately.
I find it hard to believe you have turned over this new leaf since you continue to be the same jack ASS to me.
I actually did call you yesterday, you may have gotten a missed call or a hang up if you actually had your phone on, I received an important call the same time your phone rang once and I switched over to answer, then we had company, then we went out, then we came home had dinner and a bath and I was getting her ready for bed and another attempt to call you and I received a message from a friend that reads your blog and they sent me the contents and after reading, I figured why should I even bother calling someone who continues to put me down and call me names to make himself feel better, very mature grant!
You don't care about anyone but yourself, never have, never will.
I'm not going to let my daughter be disappointed by some selfish bastard that has no remorse and takes no responsibility for his actions, why should she get to know you when you will just disappoint her too.
As for that last minute cheap ASS Christmas gift, well, we won't even go there, you know it sucks!
I am not going to argue or state my opposing views. But this is typical of what I must deal with. Every time.
But, in case I really am fooling anyone, or being fake, or am really an ass, then anyone who wishes to communicate with the emails author, to get The Real Story, can email me at rexvenom@hotmail.com.
Note: I really liked the gifts. They weren't last minute at all.
In fact, I will wonder out loud on this topic.
When I was little I loved toys that were not restrictive or already made to be played a certain way.
You know, all these electronic ‘push This button’ ohh ‘toys makes This noise and That lights up’
Oh. Wow. Don’t be fooled. The poor child is bored with that sort of thing by the third time, and unless they have other toys, then they just don’t know that life and playtime doesn’t have to be boring.
But then again, I have always had an active mind. Maybe those with Herd mentality minds don’t understand what I mean. But that doesn’t matter, as my goal is to make sure a Little Someone never joins the Herd.
Hence, I gave some Toy Blocks. Simple and tough. But they challenge the imagination right away and allow the creative and inquisitive mind to grow. Here, from a website about toys:

Toy blocks :
A guide for the science-minded parent
They might not be as flashy as the battery-powered robots and electronic games.
But toy blocks-—and other construction toys-—are among the best developmental toys that money can buy.
A set of blocks can help your child develop
• motor skills and hand-eye coordination
• spatial skills
• creative problem-solving skills
• social skills, and
• language skills.
Moreover, kids can integrate their own constructions into pretend play scenarios. And there is evidence that complex block-play is linked with advanced math skills in later life.
Yeah. That sure sounds like it sucks. Well, just in case I am fooling myself this time. For a sweet little girl a couple on months before her 2nd Birthday, would you label Blocks as a toy that sucks (never mind that they were thoughtfully picked out or lovingly sent)?
Oh. And there was a little story book…with a Jeep!