Our actions produce results. And the scales never really balance.
I have always been aware of the malleable quality of the world.
Of lives, thoughts, feelings and hopes.
But it is still surprising when something once thought a positive becomes a negative.
When the Good goes Bad. And never mind the Ugly.
It is like standing on shifting shards of glass. Edgy. Slick.
And the blood just under the skin, straining to wash around your feet.
Wash away.
Wash clean.
Wash the sins and the dread and the wishes of an old life.
Out to sea. Out to dreams. Just away.
There is beauty. And there is feeling.
But so disturbing is this possibility of unforeseen alteration of allegiance that even the most heart strong interaction can be tainted with hesitance.
If you let it be so!
The trick is to know. To let the dull fade and the rotten fall.
Embrace fully. There might be some doubt, but never act out of fear.
Daringness and faith, combined with ability and honesty.
Like Mr. Gaunt said, ‘Trust those you trust’.
And besides, life has been very good lately.
A little rain never hurt anyone.