The warm limbs of the world are poised.
A whisper and they will part and yield.
The secret pleasures and hidden back roads of so many treasures await.
As the dude with the hardware wardrobe said, “We have such sites to show you….”
I feel that way.
Whistling pass the graveyard, right?
It is all bullshit and has been for a while.
Is this going to end?
Will it suddenly all go right and believable?
Fuck no!
And I really should hope not!
But at least I’ll be dancing like a cat on the stairs.
Al the stars will shine again.
All the songs will play.
No one to fuck with the radio!
And no one to say no.
To say later.
To say nothing.
Freedom is something people seek, so it is told.
We have freedom.
In our choices.
We choose our heaven and our hell daily.
Well, those of us blessed enough to only have the trials and tribulations of the heart and the mind.
Not real hurt.
Not real grief.
I always said that if these are my worst problems that I am a blessed soul.
And I am.
A thankful SOB, too!
So I hope that the night and the smiles bump into you.
And the Gods of Chaos wink.
For the Rex rides again!
(full story at eleven………….)