I need excitement and I need it bad!
I heard it said in the dark and horny corners,
That if you need it enough,
Really Need It
It is already out there looking for you!
Makes sense in a way.
I see what I Need almost everyday,
The Beauty.
The Heat.
Smiles that can make you disbelieve your own anger.
Eyes to tear holes in your pride.
Flesh to remind you that Hell can be worth it.
And the Touch.
Long lost.
But remembered.
Dreamt of.
I do a lot of stupid things,
But not as many as some might think.
Sometimes, it is part of a planned indifference.
My way of choosing a path,
Instead of following common sense.
Which, like reality itself, is a democratically birthed thing.
We all have our own personal It.
But the It of the world envelopes them all.
I guess.
Like I understand!
All I know is that I Need a pair of long,
Silky nylon clad,
Black heeled ending,
Needing and undulating,
Sweet wet meeting,
Rex-Loving Legs
To wrap their glorious greatness around me.
And to pull me in to my one real goal!
The one thing that reminds me why we all give a shit.
Why it all really does matter.
Thank God for Chicks!
Even if they can drive you Fucking Mad!
Ok, I think I have quite lost it. Good night for now.
I think I need some private time!