Saturday, June 3, 2006


Burn little Fucker, Burn.
Feel the cool, enveloping flow
Of the gasoline.
As you dowse your whiney flesh.
Smile and reach for that pretty lighter.
Oh, so soon. Oh, so close.
Flick. Flick. Flick. Spark!
The flames embrace is strong.
It won’t let you go.
You’ll never be alone again.
Hee hee hee!
But wait!
What is this new sensation?
Ouch! It is Real pain.
Oh! And you thought that heart in pieces
Hurt like a motherfucker.
But real life is far sharper
Than the little dramas
We get to experience
As a luxurious by product
Of our safe little lives.
So, endure.
Burn inside.
Like all fires.
It will leave once it’s fuel.
Has been All Used Up.