So a Poker player, his Wife, four Canadian Sailors and a Russian cutie walk into a bar.
No. There is no punch line, though there was much laughter!
Just another fun adventure-filled port on this sail.
This time it was in Crete. Nice place. I had been there before.
Excellent people, great food, good nite life and cool streets to wander.
The anarchistic traffic would make even the Road Warrior pause.
Now it will be a while before we are back to land, but that is good. Even a wanderer of life like me needs some time to regroup and reload. Oh. And work. I keep forgetting about that last part.
It is these little bit longer stretches that allow the brain to flow through memories and feelings.
Of people left at home, hoping they are happy and safe and know that they are missed. Of new friends, and how important they could become. Of old friends and why they fade or shine after a time.
But mostly, of how good life can be if you let it.
There is something on the horizon.
I don’t know what.
But I am looking forward to finding out.
Hot thoughts to all!