Big bad world out there didn’t get me this time.
Simple fun times and entertaining nothingness.
I have a creative itch that I am just not scratching.
Y’ know?
Can’t quite reach it.
So I am gonna keep on trying.
Even if it never gets got.
All the Cave is a stage. And each of us must Roll his part.

A sad Little Thing. Wish things had been better.
Funny, as that would probably make my view brighter.
Fucked up to say. Worse to feel.
Different good and bad for different folk.
I like being alone or being tired.
Others like noisy crowds.
I have troubles with buying milk.
Messsssssssed Up!

So, we all walk our own way, to nearly the same place
And we call it life.
As long as I get to listen to interesting sounds
And touch some Pleasures
Now and Then
Everything should end up about