Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Into the Next!

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Thoughts before bed last night
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Was Away Hunting Ninja!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
For Body and Mind

111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321

Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks otherwise it will digest itself.

A group of unicorns is called a blessing.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Take a Seat

In the back room of my less viewed thoughts, there is a little chair.
Wooden. Smooth and worn. I think I got it at some metaphysical yard sale.
They must have used it when they were doing something messy. It is stained a bit.
I had it for a while before I put it to use.
At first I just hung unused facades on it, too lazy to put them away after a night of
Being some other me.
Then, for a while, I thought I had lost it in a move when I lost my mind for a bit.
Finally though, I let someone Sit on it.
Not the most comfy chair. I know.
But it had a good view of my ways, and I could interact with the Sitter
From any angle
So, this was nice. This felt useful. Non wasteful.
But as things go, for me, I sort of kept the chair in the backroom.
It was nice to be able to walk by the doorway and enjoy the Sitter.
So, eventually, the Sitter got up to move around. Legs to stretch, you see.
So now the chair is empty again, and I find myself missing the Sitter.
It was nice to feel company near, in mind, even if not in flesh.
But now, when I come into that backroom, to maybe pick up some old jokes, say
I can see the chair isn’t as I thought it was.
That means the Sitter wasn’t either. Close, and still great.
There is a freedom in this.
You cant loose something that never was.
I now know that I had created the Sitter,
With romanticized indecision
Based on a chair that never was
Even in the back room of my less viewed thoughts
Monday, October 6, 2008
Get Some

Sticking it to the ones following me, I jumped through a back alley window into a smutty little titty bar’s toilet. Out in the room, the smell was worse it. Fuck it. I headed to the bar. If I was gonna catch a slug from some dumpy city cop, then I was gonna do it drunk. The tender poured me my whiskey, and I tried to steady my hands to drink. The blood loss and the drugs were fucking me hard. Well, screw them. I’ll just fuck back harder. All that Fuck talk, hee hee, and all the gyrating naked chicks were getting to me.
I had another bright idea. If one of the bags of shit was gonna shoot my soon-to-be-drunk ass, I decided it would be while I was nailing one of these hot little pieces of tail. I shot down another swig. One of the little flesh toys smiled to me. Heh. Poor little fuck hole in waiting. Time to get some poontang!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
"Can't Hate Fuck the Ones You Love"

Form fitted enticement with a tempting smile, big eyes, and just the way of saying
“I think I need to be thrown around. I don’t want to be treated gently”
Leaves you filled with the questions if you should just grab her now
Or maybe it is friendly flirtation
With the hinted at Taking not really thought out
I remember that I Know her from before.
That does nothing to lessen the Lightning.
But after, I was hit by the realization that I actually took the time
To Question
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Bite My Own Teeth
Thursday, September 4, 2008
More Wet Than Water?
Like some sin tipped bullet slamming into my head.
Dream colored eyes, Soul stealing lips.
Her light touch, casual, as she reached across my lap
Made every other woman vanish from my memory
From my heart.
I knew that I was gonna end, somehow. Soon, but happy.
And, her legs! These legs-”

The bartender didn’t really care.
Thought the story might have got dirty
But it didn’t. Just turning simple.
He knew the Dancer the drunk was reminiscing about.
They all did, down by the Sea.

“-there was once, only once, when she let me have her.
Sort of.
I’ll never get that scent of her, up close, out of my mind.
Pure pleasure.
Like god mixed whiskey and pussy together.
You cant understand how that stays with you.
Ruling everyday of your life….”

This guy was almost done. The end of the story was always the same.
With them all.
A sadness and a deep need
That will never go away.
And one they will treasure for all time.
The bartender poured him one on the house.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Breeze off the Water

I see bright things in the future.
Wait. I can see A future!
I really rarely ever thought about
What’s Over The Next Hill
Now, casually, these thoughts settle
Into my mind.
It is like looking at the ocean.
Instead of just seeing
the majesty and the roaring power.
The truth and beauty
Now I find myself imagining
What treasures and sights
Wonders and Delights
Populate the far shores
Unseen for now.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Calm Growl
What am I feeling?
Is it a tease, a turn, and twitch?
Some naughty little bits of left over dreams
Float in my eyes in the morning
Staying near my thoughts as I tackle the day
Interacting with the world
All I see is Flesh A-Waiting
Trying to relax
Or rather, trying to want to
There will be other times to sleep
Other times to second guess
Now, I guess
Is the time to allow
The Needs and the Wants
To figure themselves out
Tomorrow will be good
In a special innocent needed way
But the nights
Oh the nights
I can already breathe
The dark streets
Monday, August 11, 2008
I Like-a Tea

I just started a little vacation.
And what did I do?
Big old nerdy and oh-so-cool me?
I mean, this weekend was fun!
A couple of very good friends got married
Dancing and Drinking and Smiles
(..and drunks and fights and…)
But then, today, I decided to Enjoy!
So I slept in!
Until 8am. Woo.
Then, fun times!
But later I Finally let loose.
I made some tea (I love tea)
And watched the epic
Clash of the Titans!
I hear tell of a remake.
I hope they get it right.
Fun Fun Fun!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008
Between 1 and 20

A little Addiction, but which flavor to taste
The older one, tried and true
The new one, fancy and bright
The choice is mine if I take it
Others will have to make their own
I just want to feel the Magic
Seen before

“And now for something completely different!” (click here)
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Security 007

Its pretty cool being able to think and wonder. There have been times when I have been too busy, for good or bad, to just sort of let the mind wander. To really get lost in thoughts. But not today. I am a captive audience for my random interests. Even then, though, the temptation to use this thought allowing time for some goal oriented guided inquisitive process is there. But I will try to let it pass. To just open the gates and see what spills out.

Hey! Look! Chickies!

Friday, August 1, 2008
In My Head
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Security 006
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Security 005
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Slide it Good. All the way.
Find a place, doesn’t have to special.
Just has to be there.
That doesn’t mean it won’t be right
It will still matter.
In fact, more than you can guess
Touching a brief hidden bit of
The Flesh behind the Smile.
Now, you got the place?
Now, you got the place?
You got it all ready?
Now comes the time.
The Good Time.
So ready your mind switch to On
Let your Body revert to Go
That is our true selves.
Quick Bright Flash of the Gods.
Be true to the Action
Believe in the Right
And Slide, little dancers,
Slide Good all the Night.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Security 003

“Pray to what gods you might hold dear
That when the time is that They come
You’ll not have to feel the sickening stretch
Of your little mind trying to understand
That which cannot be known”
I sort of realized that the bum looking dude
Who I thought was sleeping
Was mumbling to me, eyes wide and crazy
I guess even he couldn’t sleep with
The stink coming off of him
“Yeah, that bad, eh?”
I decided to play along. I was bored.
He seemed to adjust something, strange
Under his worn coat
Then he sort of zoned out, and half closed his eyes.
“Hey man,…you gots any smokes…?”
I can still smell his bits of brains.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Miles in the Mind

Slickery, tipping tunes
Driving the flaunted feelings
Making me say, yeah, Should have gone Out
Listened to some Cool in the eve air
Instead, got some flash.
Twinkle and Sheen
All black and smooth and new
There are other things I may say, Should Have to
(Not THAT Shoulda. Other stuff!)
I heard once, from a Mad man of wisdom
Seldom worried
That it is better to sleep on something you have yet to Do
Than be kept awake by something you have already Done.
Time for some Ink.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Security 002
Bright was the dawn when I woke for the real day
Sandy and sharp dreams still waved to me in the mirror
The ordinary was enjoyed
Knowing what came next
Off to the roads, which in the starting daylight always hold
New times just down the broken line
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Security 001
Just a wink
Little pleasant thoughts and small rolling hopes
Some new cravings to brighten new paths
Few if any memories contain darkness
Most Big Deals fade and go back
The summer sun reminds me of all the pleasant
Deviations from before
I look forward to a warm day, a cool drink, witty talk
Open smiles, bright eyes, sun kissed touches
With Jeep-like freedom
To take the Days as I will
Letting the Nights come and do as it must
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Feeling Good.

Small smiles, but they are from someplace deep and soft
And safe.
Inside. Inside the balance of things.
When you feel something is weakening, worsening,
Take a second and look.
You will notice other scars healing.
Other fears turning to hope.
Past pains and worries now giving you some peace.
Faith in those you love.
Smooth moments.
I wonder how far the changes go.
How near the chances are.
When the next magic will be felt.
I can see the stars between the dark parts.
The smiles, with touch and thought.
Let it all in.