Like some sin tipped bullet slamming into my head.
Dream colored eyes, Soul stealing lips.
Her light touch, casual, as she reached across my lap
Made every other woman vanish from my memory
From my heart.
I knew that I was gonna end, somehow. Soon, but happy.
And, her legs! These legs-”

The bartender didn’t really care.
Thought the story might have got dirty
But it didn’t. Just turning simple.
He knew the Dancer the drunk was reminiscing about.
They all did, down by the Sea.

“-there was once, only once, when she let me have her.
Sort of.
I’ll never get that scent of her, up close, out of my mind.
Pure pleasure.
Like god mixed whiskey and pussy together.
You cant understand how that stays with you.
Ruling everyday of your life….”

This guy was almost done. The end of the story was always the same.
With them all.
A sadness and a deep need
That will never go away.
And one they will treasure for all time.
The bartender poured him one on the house.