Undeserved happiness.
Spooky undercurrents in the laughter
Barely contained by my stunned stare.
With a sense of slight disappointment.
There are wonderful things.
But there are things that do disappoint.
The movie Doomsday, for one.
Looked awesome.
Started cool.
Had elements of Escape From NY, Bladerunner, even Aliens.
Then, well, poop!
The cool tattooed chick died too early
The story and acting got weak
One of the worst extended car chases ever.
Ok. Ok. Ok!
There is also the disappointment of
Conflicting personalities.
But even there, I see the true future peace
Behind the present frustration.
I can see the days ahead fold out
More and more joy shining into all the lives
Touched by the Little Beauty.
I can see her advance and learn.
Grow and become.
More than the sum of us.
I can see the day when the present petty conflicts
Will have no hold on her.
That makes me smile.
Worth any amount of Growls today.
I will brighten her mind
So she can see a larger world.
Free to live
Untouchable by Fools.
Let others ignore and be small.
Let them quote and twist.
Never sweat the small stuff, I was told.
By a man better than myself.
So, I will do just that.
And look forward to the summer movies