One who offers to help after all the work has been done
Mentally incapacitated by a severe hangover
Coined by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd in
The Deeper Meaning of Liff.
Yeah. Liff. Not Life.
Go figure.
I spent my Friday night, like the cool kids
Watching Battlestar Galactica
I really, Really, liked the previous seasons
And, of course, the earlier version.

This new season is starting to get good.
Which is good.
Cause when this show is Right, it Rocks!
Sexy cylons.
Nick Cave has a new album
Tomorrow the Anti-Heroes continue their
Fight against an Illithid Assassin
The Dice are changing.
I was told I need a vacation.
I thought I WAS a vacation!
There is something…
Out there
Thinking of me as I think of others