Sure, I can help ya Mister. No, it ain’t a silly question.

Damn. If only more people wondered about it. What a world then, eh?

Just so that you know Mister, it ain’t always been this easy.

Oh, sure, it was never really all that hard. Even in the old days.

But the difference is real. Just not real important. Haww hawww.

Just a joke Mister. No need to get all sharp.

Like I was saying, these days, the Magic just seems to show up.

Really. Things just sort of happen.

I couldn’t give you an example, cause that just ain’t the way with Magic, see?

But you don’t even need someone like me to show ya

Cause YOU can see it, if you know how to look. Or, sort of Not Look, really.

When we look, we already have an idea what we will be seeing.

Can’t really help it. It’s normal. But it can be fooled.

So, what I am saying, is next time you is out in the streets

Go to a dark area. A dirty area. A forgotten area. That is where it’s easiest.

And look into that dark at the end of the alley. But don’t go looking to see the end, see?

Try to see Nothing. Harder than it sounds, trust me.

Now, Mister, you got an extra one of them cigs?

Thanks. Now beat it.