If you will excuse me, I must let someone vent a bit.
Seems there is this stupid iguana-eyed small minded and large assed bitch
Who can’t help herself and be anything but a hindrance to happiness.
Can’t make the smallest effort toward co-operation,
So, without further ado, a mini rant:
I want you to just remember that no matter now bad of a person you say I am, you were never good enough for me. I never respected you, and you must have no self respect for how you allowed yourself to be treated. Your pathetic and obvious ploys to keep me have failed, and now you are hopelessly holding on to the last vestiges of control you mistakenly think you have.
You are fucking up the one thing you have a chance to do well. To be right about.
But you can’t fight your nature to lie to yourself, and to get mad at others when they show you reality doesn’t go with your fucked up view.
And when this part of your life slips away, cause it will, you will be even more alone and messed up than you where when this started.
All you had to do was not be a bitch, and you could have taken a big step into the world of adults and sane people. But you aren’t ready for that.
You have never been anyone’s first choice. Ever. Everyone that you think cares about you calls you crazy and laughs at the stories about your latest spastic actions.
You piss me off, but mostly because you waste the time of people important to me.
A heart felt Fuck You.

I don’t let that out enough. My true feelings. That is because I am being mature. The bigger man. But I have limits, and since only you will really know I am talking to you, then this is a safe outlet.
Anyone else reading this will, at worse, get a good laugh, at best, maybe feel their own needed release from something similar.
Keep being fucking crazy. Keep being a fucking bitch. I will laugh at you in the end.
Life is too good and short to let this crap affect how I smile and how I love. So, I will let a bit out now and then this way.
Deep down, I hope you will never even see this, as it is embarrassing that this is how it has become.
But, fuck it, and again, Fuck You.