Do we dream only when asleep?
Are we awake at the special times we live?
I can see some moments when the mind faded
To the quiet times, and the unbelievable, the magic
The fantasy
Woke in me

For some this would be an odd experience
One retreated from before allow to flow
We all have that part that wants only to feel safe
Stay at the now that is so far, so good.
It can be spooky to start to feel the possibilities.

Feel the tug of what we realize we can not only want
But can somehow, undreamt of, have
Tear and rip through all the sureness built over ages
That we’d never have anything so filling a need
Created merely by its presence.
This is not only the pleasure of the amazement
Also comes the fear of this waking dream to end.

We each will stir, some night or day from now
Some will shake their hair, and walk into their old real
Now back asleep in their life.
I hope I will drift back, to where I can see how
The dreamer keeps that smile until the night returns.