I drink. I feel it. The endless abandon.
Day to day, the worries, plans, thoughts and cares.
Drifting away.In their place, a calm. The myriad voices internal muted. Left over is the stage on which usually play the facets of Me. There now prance others. The unknown. The yet to see. Another sip. The poison working. Getting high of the neural toxins. Otherwise called booze. Sip by sip. Death. Clarity. Makes me wonder what we see when we forget. I am not endorsing intoxication. No. That is a waste. I am, however, experiencing it.
Day to day, the worries, plans, thoughts and cares.
Drifting away.In their place, a calm. The myriad voices internal muted. Left over is the stage on which usually play the facets of Me. There now prance others. The unknown. The yet to see. Another sip. The poison working. Getting high of the neural toxins. Otherwise called booze. Sip by sip. Death. Clarity. Makes me wonder what we see when we forget. I am not endorsing intoxication. No. That is a waste. I am, however, experiencing it.