“Let us grab the world by the throat and make it give us what we desire,”
Lots of thoughts have passed this way by.
Wandered again the lands once mine.
Now broken.
As if little thefts of pride,
Or courtesy
Have brought somewhat down
That which I had believed eternal.
Sadness and dismay touched me.
With them being new guests
I shuddered at their fresh scent
In following these gears, turning, to seek the impetus
I also wronged one who might have been dear
Add it to the heap of regrets and Shouldas.
Tall pile. Warning of collapse. Let it.
I have new visions now, guiding me to near
Something new comes. Will I be ready?
No. But worthy? Maybe. Just maybe.
Even if this were not the set of events I would have wished.
This is the Now that is upon me.
I will make it thru, as I always do, by choice.
Thankfully knowing that those who have been there for me
In the past
Both far and the needed recent
Will be there still.
I must make sure that I do my part
In all deals and wagers.
Thanking those I owe
Showing me that there is more
Lots of thoughts have passed this way by.
Wandered again the lands once mine.
Now broken.
As if little thefts of pride,
Or courtesy
Have brought somewhat down
That which I had believed eternal.
Sadness and dismay touched me.
With them being new guests
I shuddered at their fresh scent
In following these gears, turning, to seek the impetus
I also wronged one who might have been dear
Add it to the heap of regrets and Shouldas.
Tall pile. Warning of collapse. Let it.
I have new visions now, guiding me to near
Something new comes. Will I be ready?
No. But worthy? Maybe. Just maybe.
Even if this were not the set of events I would have wished.
This is the Now that is upon me.
I will make it thru, as I always do, by choice.
Thankfully knowing that those who have been there for me
In the past
Both far and the needed recent
Will be there still.
I must make sure that I do my part
In all deals and wagers.
Thanking those I owe
Showing me that there is more
And taking what I need.