I was wandering around, visiting a mind set not seen as often in my nights anymore.
Into a small place I ventured, nearly a recess from the evenings happenings
I knew that it wasn’t really the correct use of the space
Or rather, I was using it right, but not really right to be using it so.

And I was waiting to be told so
So when a comment came, easy and on the side, I pounced.
Righteous indignation, all prepped and poised.
But that wasn’t how the comment was meant.

In fact, the opposite.
It was friendly, full of camaraderie.
Referencing the exact same past that I had set up as knives and shields
To do my battling for my cause.

It sucks to know you are the one wrong, again.
Simply so.
I promptly realized and corrected my wrong way-ing.
And all was allowed to pass.

Thankfully so. On into the world and the night I went.
Thinking back, I still am a little hit by that small scene.
Not because I was wrong; I often am.
But because I was acting out of my self. Out of character.

Why, I wonder? What was I leaning towards?
I’ll never know, I guess.
And I am happy with that.
Now it is on this ending of a quiet longer break

That I find some unexpected peace
Patience and well being from a sense of the moment
I again sort of wonder where this is leading
Do all the paths change towards the same colorful end?