Still a little Slave playing the tunes you're told
Thinking you are bright and free
Ignoring the chains you grip so tightly

Some have Masters outside themselves
Bowing to gods they want to see
Always a choice to look away turned down

But some, this one, is trapped from within
By stupid rage and failing ability
A slave to the pathetic need to Spite

Which is terrible, as all there really is
Is caring and closeness and loving
But not to those that turn away

Unneeded gashing of teeth and of mind
When life is easy and full to the brim
Of happy pleasures to give and receive

When you where a Slave to your passion
At least you seemed sane
As you were used and taken

This false portrayal of Freedom
Is adding to the Shit in the world
Trying to hide your obedience to your foolishness

But as the good Slave you've always been
You'll serve your real Master again
With your disappointment, shock, and tears.