It is the day of mothers.
But really, that should still be about the children.
That is why they are mothers.
It should be about the mother's love and the child's love.
And, for most it is.
But some mothers are misguided. Wrong. Failing.
Sure, they may proclaim undying love and they may spend their days
Protecting and nurturing the children
Some do this, and yet wont let the defenseless child
Interact with someone who loves them, and that the child misses in its life.
Even if the child doesn't know it yet.

I can't understand it. I don't want to say these mothers are Bad
More like mentally unwell, I think.
Having to deal with someone so unreasonable is frustrating
But what really breaks your heart is that the child is the true victim
Today unknowing, but someday fully aware.
So, to all you wonderful and giving mothers, mine included
I say Happy Mothers Day (and I love you)
Make this a day to feel the goodness you provide
The magic you are, in your child's eyes, even if grown
But also, take a pause, and remember today is for you
Only because of the Little Beauties.