Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Quotes of the Heart

Its not enough to conquer, one must know how to seduce.


Absence is to love as wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small and kindles the great.

-Roger de Bussy-Rabutin

Soul meets soul on lover's lips.

-Percy Blythe Shelley

Ever thine,

Ever mine,

Ever for each other.


Her lips on his could tell him better than all her stumbling words.

-Margaret Mitchell

You may conquer with the sword, but you are conquered by a kiss.

-Daniel Heinsius

When thinking about certain someones, why are our mouths silent and our hearts screaming.

-Will Martin

At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.


If you don't want Jerry's peaches, don't shake his tree!

-Jerry Lee Lewis

Guess I am just feeling romantic, and had to put some thoughts to screen.

Love. Luck. Lust. What more do we search for?