Wednesday, December 15, 2004


Fun times for all. And even more for some. Adventure, that ageless goal of the wicked and the daring, still calls. Sometimes it calls quietly, and you have to really pay attention to hear it. Sometimes it is so loud that is cannot be ignored.

“You can never go back”. Sure. And why would you want to, right? I mean, you were there, and now are here, so you must have left for a reason.

Come on, people! Get on the ball! Get in the game!

Screw that. Things are circular in life sometimes. It really isn’t that we can’t go back, it is more like we have to come all the way around to get there again.

I find myself assaulted with the past knowledge and wisdom of a damaged scholar and dreamer; “Ain’t My Troll!”

We shall see, won’t we? All those trivial trailers to the events of life are now on the marquee of our existence. The movie of your life. Popcorn farts and sticky floors.

I can’t wait for the sequel!